Arm Lift

Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Houston and Sugar Land, TX

Celebrities worldwide are admired for their sculpted, toned, firm upper arms. Toned upper arms increase confidence, especially when you want to wear sleeveless tops or clothing options. Skin laxity is a common issue faced by many people due to various factors, including the normal aging process causing you to accumulate fat under the arms. Eliminating stubborn, sagging, flabby, and hanging loose skin from the underarm area is difficult. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise, is often insufficient to transform bat wings into sculpted, toned upper arms. At Avante Plastic Surgery, we offer arm lift (Brachioplasty) surgery in Houston, TX.

Before and After Photos

About Arm Lift?

Arm Lift, Avante Plastic Surgery, Houston

Brachioplasty, also known as a standard Arm Lift, is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the upper arms. During the procedure, Dr. Ahmadi will remove excess skin and fat from the inner arm, resulting in a more contoured and toned appearance. At Avante Plastic Surgery, we understand that every patient is unique, and our expert plastic surgeon will tailor the procedure to your specific needs and goals. We prioritize safety, comfort, and natural-looking results, ensuring you are satisfied with all aspects of your Arm Lift procedure.

About Mini Arm Lift

This limited incision Brachioplasty procedure is ideal for patients who only need a small amount of loose skin removed from their upper arms. With smaller incisions, Mini Arm Lift patients can enjoy less visible scars on their inner arms while still achieving a more toned and youthful arm appearance.

Benefits of Arm Lift

Arm Lift Surgery in Houston, Texas, offers a range of benefits for those struggling with flabby upper arms. Some of the amazing advantages our patients at Avante Plastic Surgery experience are:

  • Improved Arm Appearance 
  • Enhanced Body Proportion
  • Long-lasting Results
  • Increased Clothing Options 
  • Enhanced Quality of Life

Ideal Candidates

If you have excess, loose underarm skin causing flabby upper arms, you may be a suitable candidate for Arm Lift surgery in Houston, TX. Ideal candidates for this procedure are adults who have significant amounts of upper arm skin, have stable body weight, and are in good overall health. It’s important to note that Arm Lift patients should not be significantly overweight and should be free from any medical conditions that may affect healing or increase surgical risks. In addition to maintaining a stable weight and being in good health, non-smokers are considered ideal candidates for Arm Lift surgery.

First Step for an Arm Lift

Arm Lift, Avante Plastic Surgery, Houston

If you’re considering an Arm Lift in Houston or the surrounding areas of Texas, the first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ahmadi. During your consultation, he will carefully examine your arms and discuss the various surgical methods available, including the associated risks and benefits of the procedure. We encourage you to ask questions and share any concerns you may have about the procedure, as we are committed to providing comprehensive support. Dr. Ahmadi will also inquire about your medical history and lifestyle, so it’s important to be candid and forthcoming with information. Once our team has all the necessary information, we will create a personalized surgical plan tailored to your needs. If you’re satisfied with the plan and wish to proceed, our Patient Coordinator will assist you in scheduling your procedure day and time. We are dedicated to ensuring your experience is smooth and successful, and we look forward to helping you achieve your desired results with an Arm Lift surgery.

Arm Lift Expectations

On the day of your Arm Lift Procedure, we first aim to cater to your comfort and confidence; your procedure is our own. Arm Lift surgery at Avante Plastic Surgery is an outpatient procedure procedure lasting one to three hours and requires a patient to have someone accompany them to the office due to anesthesia and post-operative pain medications.

The steps involved in Brachioplasty at Avante Plastic Surgery are as follows:

  • Anesthesia: Intravenous sedation or general anesthesia is typically used during the procedure.
  • Incision(s) and liposuction: We will use our expertise to determine the length and placement of the incision for optimal results in lifting the upper arm. The incisions are usually made on the inside or back of the arm, and liposuction may be performed to remove excess fat.
  • Closing incision(s): Once the procedure is completed, the incisions are closed with absorbable sutures or removable stitches.
  • Results: Almost immediately visible results can be observed after an upper Arm Lift, with the upper arm appearing smoother and tighter, creating more defined contours.

*Note: It’s important to consult with Dr. Ahmad to discuss the specific details of the Brachioplasty procedure and expected results.

Arm Lift Recovery

Arm Lift, Avante Plastic Surgery, Houston

After an Arm Lift procedure, patients can expect to experience swelling and bruising during the recovery period. Bandages and dressings will be applied to the incision sites, and the upper arms may be wrapped with bandages or compression sleeves to help reduce swelling. Typically, the standard recovery time for an Arm Lift is one to two weeks, and patients are usually able to resume driving after ten days. However, it’s important to start with short distances initially. If you have a desk job, you may be able to return to work after ten days, but if your job involves manual labor, we recommend waiting for six weeks before resuming such activities. During the six-week recovery period, lifting, pulling, or pushing anything over 5 lbs. should be avoided to ensure proper healing. At Avante Plastic Surgery, we prioritize your recovery process and leave no stone unturned to ensure your utmost comfort during recovery.

Cost of an Arm Lift Houston, TX

The cost of an arm lift procedure varies depending on several factors, such as the amount of skin that needs to be removed and the need for additional liposuction. The average cost of a Brachioplasty is approximately $4,861, but this may not include other related expenses such as anesthesia and facilities fees, which vary depending on the plastic surgeon.

At Avante Plastic Surgery, Dr. Ahmadi provides an exact Arm lift cost during a consultation, which includes anesthesia, facility, surgery fees, and routine follow-ups. There are no hidden charges when scheduling an arm lift with Avante Plastic Surgery, as we believe in transparency and ensuring our patients are fully informed about the costs involved.

Why Choose Us?

Arm Lift, Avante Plastic Surgery, Houston

We know that undergoing an Arm Lift is a significant decision, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Dr. Ahmadi, our skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, is committed to providing personalized care and support to each patient. Our goal is to help you achieve the best possible outcome and feel confident and happy with your new look. You can trust us to provide compassionate and professional care throughout the surgical journey. At Avante Plastic Surgery, we take pride in being the most exclusive plastic surgery practice in Houston. Our comprehensive services encompass all aspects of aesthetic surgery, providing our patients with a wide range of options to achieve their expected results. Our QuadA-certified surgical center offers convenience and privacy for our patients, ensuring a comfortable and seamless experience. Our quest for excellence and knowledge has earned unmatched respect in the state of Texas.

Schedule a Consultation

If you reside in the Houston, TX area and are interested in an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) to eliminate excess skin and achieve toned arms for summer sleeveless clothes and tops, contact us at Avante Plastic Surgery today. Our skilled surgeon, Dr. Ahmadi, can improve the contour of your arms and help you regain your confidence. Say goodbye to self-consciousness about your upper arms and schedule a consultation with us to begin your journey towards increased spirit with Arm Lift surgery or other body contouring procedures.


Is brachioplasty ever medically necessary?

Although Brachioplasty, commonly known as a surgical Arm Lift, is typically considered a cosmetic surgery aimed at improving the aesthetics of the arms, there are cases where it may be deemed medically necessary. For instance, if the excess skin in the arms is causing significant impairment in daily activities and preventing a patient from functioning properly, the procedure may be deemed necessary for the patient’s overall health and well-being.

Limited arm functionality or infections due to excessive skin folds and flabby arms are examples of situations where Brachioplasty may be considered medically necessary and potentially covered by insurance.

Does insurance cover arm lift?

Insurance does not typically cover plastic surgery, so we offer convenient financing options like Alphaeon Credit, Care Credit, and United Medical Credit to help cover an arm lift performed at Avante Plastic Surgery. Our professional staff can provide you with information about financing your cosmetic procedures.

Are arm lifts painful?

Arm Lifts are not considered painful procedures. By using the proper surgical technique, anesthesia, and pain medication, Brachioplasty pain and be significantly reduced. Expect some discomfort and tightness, which will reside once your recovery takes place.

Does an arm lift leave a scar?

Due to the incision process, an upper arm lift does leave a scar.
Patients can help lessen the appearance of scarring by avoiding sunlight for the first three months following surgery and using massage methods, medicated creams or gels, taking zinc supplements, or other ways as Dr. Ahmadi recommends. Non-invasive cosmetic procedures such as chemical peels, laser therapy, or micro-needling may also help reduce the appearance of scarring following arm lift surgery.

How many appointments will I need?

In most cases, Dr. Ahmadi will schedule a follow-up appointment with you the next day after surgery, and at various other times for 6 weeks, after your Arm Lift surgery to assess your recovery progress and remove any sutures or bandages. Additionally, you can anticipate another visit a few weeks later to ensure your satisfaction with the results and that you are healing properly.

How long until I see results?

While patients may experience immediate improvement in arm shape after an Arm Lift, it can take several weeks to see the final full results. Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are expected during the post-operative recovery period. It’s important to note that Arm Lift surgery will result in scarring, although the scars can often be easily concealed and fade over time. One common concern among patients considering cosmetic procedures is the longevity of the results. With stable weight maintenance and a healthy lifestyle, the results of a traditional Arm Lift typically last for a decade or longer. We encourage patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow post-operative care instructions to optimize the longevity of their Arm Lift results.

Will I need liposuction in addition to an arm lift?

Often, Dr. Ahmadi adds liposuction of the arms to the Brachioplasty. The combination of liposuction and arm lift is much more aggressive in contouring than each used alone.

What are the risks associated with arm lift?

Some of the potential risks associated with Arm Lift surgery, although not limited to, may include reactions to anesthesia, excessive bleeding, infection, visible scarring, possible asymmetry or irregularities, and potential changes in nerve sensation.

It’s important to discuss these risks thoroughly with Dr. Ahmadi during the consultation process and follow all pre-and post-operative instructions to minimize the risks and ensure a safe and successful recovery. Dr. Ahmadi will take appropriate measures to mitigate these risks and provide you with personalized care throughout the surgical process.

Can I combine arm lift with other procedures?

Of course! Many of our Houston Arm Lift patients combine their treatment with other body contouring treatments such as:
Lipotuck™: Our Lipotuck™ serves as the foundation upon which other procedures can be added. We recommend discussing this with Dr. Ahmadi during your initial consultation to determine his recommendation.
Tummy Tuck: A procedure to remove excess skin from the abdominal area.
Liposuction: A method to remove excess fat from various areas of the body.
Inner Thigh Lift: A procedure to lift and tighten the inner thighs.
Breast Augmentation: A surgery to enhance the size and shape of the breasts.
Breast Lift: A procedure to lift and reshape sagging breasts.

At Avante Plastic Surgery, we offer a range of body contouring options to help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ahmadi to discuss which procedure may be best suited for you